London was busy putting the finishing touches on the city to get ready for the Olympics.
When I arrived Meek was finishing up his first class and had really enjoyed it and meeting lots of new people. Since he finished early the next day he too me to see where he used to live and work. When he lived here years ago.

The pub Meek live above when he first arrived in England.

Another view of the pub.
Old building near the pub.
Stop for lunch, the British sure due international food really well!

Where Meek moved to later during his time here.

The school he used to teach at, it's been renevoated since he left.

Oops someone shut their eyes!
Since his Birthday was the last day of his class I decided to surprise him the day after with a trip to Wimbeldon! I've never really been a fan of tennis, don't get me wrong it's not as though I dislike the sport, I had simply had limited exposure to it.
Since I had been advised not to purchase tickets before hand we got to wait in line or in a cue! It really wasn't bad for two reasons. One it was one of the only nice days we experienced in England. Two because they gave us these great cueing cards, that prevented people from cutting the line or buying tickets for other people.
Still waiting in the cue we entered this area the had photos of historical wins at Wimbeldon and lots of free stuff, mostly beverages!
Before we knew it we were in!
Since Meek prefers watching the women (their matches are faster) we found one on one of hte side courts. Neither of the women in this match went very far.
Meek with his cue card and ticket watching a match.
Action Shot
Photo op, I was having a Blast!
Action Shot!
We caught the end of one of the men's matches.
Sadly our tickets did not permit us to enter Center Court.
Time line of Wimbeldon.
Happy 35th Birthday, my dear Husband!